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March 31, 2022
Pilots In January 2021, a charge was put forth by the Executive Director of the Center for Distributed Learning to review and recommend a licensed tool for enhancing online discussions at the University of Central Florida. 9 faculty members from 8 colleges within UCF were recruited to serve on the committee led by Carolyn Massiah…

CECS Virtual Labs Spotlight

August 16, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic caused higher ed institutions to quickly pivot from face-to-face learning to remote learning within a matter of weeks. This was no small task for universities and colleges, as many did not have the infrastructure in place to handle such a change. Some were more prepared for the switch due to faculty development…

UCF Apps Spotlight

January 19, 2021
Moving classes online during the quick pivot to remote instruction due to COVID-19 in March of 2020 had its challenges and hurdles. Most were handled by posting course content and resources into Webcourses@UCF. But what about software needed for courses that is only available on UCF campus lab computers? How did students gain access to…

Virtual and Remote Labs Resources

October 1, 2020
Given the rush to remote instruction due to COVID-19, many colleges have been required to turn to alternative resources to supplement instruction and activities normally carried out in person and/or on campus. The Pegasus Innovation Lab (iLab) was tasked to assemble a Virtual Labs Taskforce to support the UCF colleges and departments that are in…

Angelica Gabriela Rocha Guevara

August 14, 2020
The Center for Distributed Learning virtually hosted Angelica Gabriela Rocha Guevera, the Director of Educational Innovation and Technology at the Universidad del Valle de Guatemala.

Quality Initiative

January 2, 2019
Interested in reviewing the quality of your course for student success? With the Quality Initiative, an instructional designer will work with you on reviewing your course.

Online Study Abroad

December 4, 2018
Interested in traveling, but don’t have the time or funds? Online Study Abroad allows students to stay at home but still participate in study abroad activities.