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Increasing Innovations in Online Learning

With the support and direction of the UCF Board of Trustees, the Pegasus Innovation Lab offered a new Digital Curriculum Innovation (DCI) Initiative to UCF faculty. Building off of the foundation and success of the Digital Learning Course Redesign Initiative (DL CRI), DCI aimed to impact student learning by increasing successful course completion through digital learning innovations at scale through team projects.

The DCI Initiative Structure

Seven faculty teams participated in the first 2023-2024 DCI cycle. UCF faculty who were IDL credentialed or equivalent were applicable to participate in this initiative. These teams consisted of both inter- and cross-discipline teams.

How the Teams were Selected

A selection committee was assembled with representation from the Center for Distributed Learning (CDL) teams directly impacted by the decisions made by said committee.

The process included three steps:

  1. The selection committee reviewed proposals and identified finalists.
  2. Finalists were invited to pitch their projects at Digital Learning Day for audience support and input, which were considered by the selection committee.
  3. The selection committee then made the final selections of 7 projects.

Types of Projects

DCI projects may have involved one or more of the use of the following types of technologies in pedagogically sound course redesign:

  • Personalized Adaptive Learning (PAL)
  • Augmented or Virtual Reality (AR/VR)
  • 360 Videos/Immersive 360 Online Activities
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) Bots
  • AI-enabled content creation and distribution (such as Chat GPT, AI Generated art, or AI avatars)
  • Gamification or game-based learning
  • Building interactive open educational resources (OER) content
  • And other digital technologies that may be appropriate

Supplemental Resource

For those interested in their own initiative or more about the 2023-2024 DCI Initiative, the following document highlights key elements of this cycle’s process.

DCI Process

Digital Curriculum Innovation Initiative Final Projects

As the culmination of the year-long initiative, the faculty teams were required to submit a Summative Project Review consisting of two parts:

  • A “Project Details Confirmation” documented which summarized the final, updated details of the courses impacted and technologies used as part of their project.
  • A live, eight-minute presentation showcasing their completed projects in front of their fellow DCI teams, instructional designers, their chairs, and the Division of Digital Learning leadership.

Under each team below is a link to their Project Details document and a link to the slides they prepared for the live presentation. View each item to learn more about their projects including a brief description of their goals, the technologies used, and their accomplishments.

For additional details, please contact the Pegasus Innovation Lab at