Virtual Labs: In these labs, real experiments are virtualized or simulated and students can access them online.
Remote Labs: These types of labs enable faculty and students to access equipment and/or computers via the internet to perform experiments and laboratory tasks without being in the physical lab space.
UCF Apps: These apps allow access to desktop software that is typically available only in campus computer labs or by purchasing and installing software on a student PC remotely.
Virtual Labs/Interactive Activities
Online Resources for Science Laboratories (POD) – Remote Teaching
Note: Google sheet links to additional resources, below are some highlights
- PhET Interactive Simulations
- Biology
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Math
- Visit their website to sign up for their PhET Interactive Simulations newsletter.
- WOLFRAM Demonstrations Project (STEM topics)
- Molecular Workbench
- Provides biology, chemistry, and physics simulations and the ability to create your own
- LabXchange simulation
- Virtual Amrita Laboratories
- Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering (includes links to biology resources)
- Chemical Sciences
- Physical Sciences
- PraxiLabs
- National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science
- DataNuggets
- United States Census Bureau
- OER materials and the ability to create your own
- Biology Resources
- Chemistry Resources
- ChemReaX: Chemical Reaction Simulator
- Titration screen experiment
- ChemCollective
- Collection of various chemistry related resources
- ChemMixLab
- Physics Resources
American Museum of Natural History
Paleontological Research Institution Learning Resources
Note: lists various resources by audience and topic
3D Molecular Designs
Online Chemistry Resources
InSpark Virtual Chem Lab
Drawing Chemical Structures
CASIO – Math Resources
Note: links to resources including, emulator calculator, and activities; free trials available through August 31, 2021.
Easy Unit Converter
Note: includes various converters including engineering, math, and fitness.
Good Calculators
Note: Provides a variety of online calculators, such as math and statistics, engineering, and conversion calculators.
TI 84 Online Calculator
UCAT Score Calculator
Note: A tool designed to help students prepare for the UCAT exam with features such as predicting scores based on performance and estimating ranking using historical data.
Musical Sound Waves (Physics)
MERLOT Virtual Labs
Exploratorium Learning Toolbox
Space Station Explorers
Note: activities related to the International Space Station available for high school and higher education.
Zygote Body
Note: The tool does not have as many features as Visible Body, but it is a free alternative.
Access Medicine
Note: Another alternative resource to Visible Body that is available through the UCF Library. The link above directs to the Human Anatomy Modules.
Labs/Simulations That Include a Cost
Note: Completely interactive virtual labs. They have preset labs with worksheets or you can customize your own lab activities. If interested, we can arrange a demo, but this will also carry a cost.
Hayden-McNeil Lab Simulations
Note: Simulations on Biology and Chemistry
Note: 3D virtual space
Pivot Interactives
Note: Subjects on Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, & Physics
Note: Free subscription available with limited options, or a premium access subscription for additional features.
Model Science Software
Mestrelab Research Chemistry Software
Spartan Student
Gas Chromatography Simulation & Optimization Software
WOLFRAM Mathematica
ArcGIS Enterprise on Microsoft Azure
SPSS Software
NVivo Qualitative Data Analysis
Visible Body
Note: The Pegasus Innovation Lab (iLab) coordinated with Visible Body to provide demonstrations for faculty to view the apps and content of their courseware to decide if it would be useful in the development of course content for the upcoming semesters. You can view these past recordings of the July 28, 2020 demo and the July 29, 2020 demo and can contact the if you have any questions.
Ladderane – Customizable Chemistry Experiments
BIODIGITAL – 3D Visual Anatomy
Video Demos
Linkedin Learning
- Anthropology
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Data Science
- Communication
- Media
- Politics
- International Affairs
JoVE Education Videos
Note: In an effort to aid student learning during remote instruction, UCF has re-invested in a one-year subscription to JoVE Science Education for the 2021-2022 academic year. This collection of STEM based videos and demonstrations covers a range of topics from psychology, to engineering, to clinical skills. The collection is available for all faculty and you can view the UCF Library Faculty Support Guide for steps on how to access JoVE from the UCF Library. For more information on adding JoVE content into your course, visit the Getting Started with JoVE page.
PBS LearningMedia
Alexander Street
Khan Academy
- Anthropology
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Statistics
- Data Science
- Media
- Politics
Digital Labs Techniques Manual
Note: Series of video demonstrations of common lab technique
NC State Undergraduate Organic Chemistry Teaching Laboratories – S.M.A.R.T. Lab Videos
Smithsonian Channel
National Geographic
Note: includes subjects such as chemistry, biological sciences, and physics
Space Foundation
Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation – Videos & Documentaries
C-SPAN Classroom
Note: sign up for free to access the free resources, politics and government related
Lab Kits/Remote Labs
Archaeology and Biological Anthropology Labs
Note: Although not fully remote, it provides research and resources on various labs for these topics
Hands-On Labs – Customizable Lab Kit
eScience Labs
Nuclear Reimagined Virtual Field Trip
iOLab Wireless Lab System
Note: will require a cost for students to rent and predominantly used for Physics.
University, Agency, or Organization Resources
UCF Library Resources – Sciences
UCF Subject Librarians
- Anthropology
- Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Communication
- Emerging Media
- Politics, Security, & International Affairs
UCF Library Academic Resources during COVID-19 Situation
UCF Apps
- Access desktop software available in computer labs
- SPSS, SAS, and Microsoft Office access on apps
- Access lab PCs in Technology Commons and the UCF Library
- How-to documents and videos for installing and using files at UCF IT Knowledgebase
SAGE Research Methods
SAGE Research Methods Videos
BCcampus Virtual Labs and Science Resources
Note: Provides resources on astronomy, biology, chemistry, earth & environmental science, math, and physics.
Arizona State University – Virtual Field Trips
Review for ACS Exam
Note: Chemistry resource, Canvas website of modules on various topics, including pre- and post-quizzes. Must sign up for a Canvas Account (free) and be granted access to view.
Washington University Chemistry Diagnostic Exam
Note: Log in required, but it is free
Cornell Physics Lab Learning Objective
The University of British Columbia – Sample Experiments
Scientific Abilities
Vernier Remote Learning Solutions
UCLA Resources List
Tips for Recording Your Labs
Follow these tips from CDL for recording and uploading your own labs onto a video platform:
Refer to this technology guide from FMC on media production software to compare what may work best for your recording needs:
Refer to the Zoom FAQs if you record your own lab with Zoom:
Additional Resources
Visit the Virtual and Remote Labs Articles and Publications page for additional articles.
How to Rethink Science Lab Classes article:
Lincoln, J. (2018). Five smartphone experiments that don’t need apps. The Physics Teacher, 56, 652.
Holmes, N. & Wleman, C. (2018). Introductory physics labs: We can do better. Physics Today, 71(1), 38.
Top 10 Online Psychology Experiments (article):
Physical Anthropology Virtual Lab
Note: Article provides a contact to receive the free virtual lab
Virtual Anthropology textbook:
Note: Not free
UCF Pressbooks – Anthropology textbook:
OpenStax (OER textbooks)
- Astronomy
- Biology
- Concepts of Biology
- Chemistry
- Chemistry (Atoms First)
- Physics
- University Physics (Vol 1)
- University Physics (Vol 2)
- University Physics (Vol 3)
- Psychology 2e
Virtual Textbook of Organic Chemistry by William Reusch:
WolframAlpha Integral Calculator:
Omni Calculator:
Psychology Teaching Resources:
MCAT Exam Prep:
Note: offers a free video library of recorded presentations led by Florida-based experts who talk about the applications of STEM in various high-tech careers