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- Instructor: Matthew Bryan
- Instructional Designer: Trudy Constant
- College/Department: CAH, Writing & Rhetoric
- Course Number & Title: ENC3314: Writing and Rhetoric Foundations
- Description: Spring 2019 Course Redesign: Utilized active learning and open educational resources (OER) to develop a new Reduced Seat Active (RA) modality. With face-to-face class meetings reduced, the meetings focused on active collaboration among classmates and creating “Ideas into Action” journals completed by students online. An image-based home page and an Obojobo Next active learning reading support module will be introduced in the future.
Goals: Increase classroom utilization and expand the course to more students - Impact: “In redesigning this course from a face-to-face section to the RA modality, I went from 28 class meetings down to 6. I wanted to ensure these remaining meetings were (a) tightly focused around giving students opportunities to meaningfully and actively collaborate with their classmates, (b) embedded in the structure of the course in such a way so that students could see how their activities during in-person meetings resonated with and supported their more self-directed learning online, and (c) scheduled to address typical areas of student struggle in order to provide immediate feedback and support.” – Matthew Bryan