- Instructor: Martha Hubertz
- Instructional Designer: Joseph Lloyd
- College/Department: COS, Psychology
- Course Numbers & Titles: SOP3004: Social Psychology, SOP3742: Psychology of Women
Universal design: usable, accessible, inclusive. These are the guiding principles Martha Hubertz abided by when she redesigned her courses to level the proverbial playing field. Doing so ensures that all students are not only able to succeed but excel.
Hubertz’s courses tend to be large (<120 students), transfer-student heavy (<70%), and include first-generation students (~25%). Supporting first-time-in-college (FTIC), first-gen students, and transfer students has always been extremely important to her, especially since most of her classes identify as minority group members.
To redesign her courses, Hubertz worked closely with individuals at CDL, such as the instructional design, graphics, and iLab, as well as FCTL to create active, authentic learning opportunities. These collaborations helped her incorporate new and engaging technologies in her classes as a means of supporting student success.
SOP3004 was transformed from a fully online (W) modality to an reduced-seat (RS) modality: incorporating an amazing immersive 8-hour active learning experience for the students. The graphics integrated into this experience added levels of gamification and increased student perceptions in a positive way.
The SOP3742 is a fully online HIP-Designated, Service-Learning course where students struggle with both course content and course organization. Using Acrobatiq, the adaptive courseware version of the textbook was created to assist where students were struggling with the course content and organization, which significantly increased learning and comprehension. She also utilized formative assessment curation through SmartStart and artificial intelligence to allow adaptive practice.
Each CRI has design and assessment features that were created to facilitate student engagement. Each CRI also involved getting student feedback on how helpful and effective the design was. Subsequent student feedback from these redesigned courses indicates that the CRI efforts were not in vain.
By using a variety of cooperative learning strategies, students learn to interact with diverse populations (via small-group work), improve their written and oral communication skills, and generally enhance their study skills. In turn, Hubertz feels this will likely benefit their academic performance not only in her classes, but in other courses and disciplines as well.
Student feedback has been overwhelmingly positive on metrics such as engagement, success, and learning.
Related Resources
- Gamification and active learning in higher education: is it possible to match digital society, academia and students’ interests?
- Influence of Reduced Seat Time on Satisfaction and Perception of Course Development Goals: A case study in faculty development.
- The 8 Steps Institutions Need to Take to Improve Student Success
- Teaching Squares Bring Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives
- Faculty Focus on Hubertz’s Teaching Square
- The Doer Effect
- The Impact of Adaptive Activities in Acrobatiq Courseware – Investigating the Efficacy of Formative Adaptive Activities on Learning Estimates and Summative Assessment Scores
Publications and Presentations to Date:
- Van Campenhout, R., Hubertz, M., & Johnson, B. (in prep). Evaluating AI-Generated Questions: A Mixed-Methods Analysis Using Question Data and Student Perceptions. Paper submitted to AIED2022 (23rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education).
- Hubertz, M., Janowsky, A., & Motarella, K. (2022). Integrating AAC & U Conference on Diversity, Equity, and Student Success (DESS).
- Fernandez-Rubiera, F., Hubertz, M., Farless, P., Canova, G., & Main, E. (2022). Knighted Faculty: Arise! Empower! Ignite!. Presentation at the 2022 TOPkit Conference.
- Hubertz, M., Lloyd, J., & Fauvel, J. (2022). A Full-On Monet! Taking Your Online Class to an 11!. Presented at the 2022 Florida Online Innovation Summit. February 24, 2022.
- Van Campenhout, R., Hubertz, M., Schroeder, K., & Johnson, B. (2022). Courseware at Scale: Using AI to Create Learning by Doing. Paper accepted for presentation at the 2022 IMS Global Learning Impact Conference. June 13-16 in Nashville.
- Hubertz, M. & Van Campenhout, R. (2022). Teaching and Iterative Improvement: The Impact of Instructor Implementation of Courseware on Student Outcomes. Paper presented at the IAFOR International Conference on Education – Hawaii 2022 Official Conference Proceedings. ISSN: 2189-1036, pp. 201-210. Honolulu, Hawaii. https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2189-1036.2022.19 Link to paper: https://papers.iafor.org/submission61522/
- Janowsky, A. & Hubertz, M. (2021). “Life in the Fast Game: Using a Role Play Activity to Increase Empathy and Critical Thinking Skills.” Presentation at the 2021 International Organization of Social Sciences and Behavior Research on November 11, 2021.
- Schroeder, K., Hubertz, M., Johnson, B., & Van Campenhout, R. (2021). Courseware at Scale: Using Artificial Intelligence to Create Learning by Doing from Textbooks. Presented at OLC Accelerate, Washington, D.C., Oct. 6, 2021. https://onlinelearningconsortium.org/olc-accelerate-2021-session-page/?session=10124&kwds=
- Hubertz, M., Lloyd, J., & Doran, C., & Winer, L. (2020). Adaptive Learning through Acrobatiq. Presentation at the 2020 Virtual Florida Adaptive Learning Summit.