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Open Ed Live is a free online event aimed at bringing higher ed faculty, librarians, instructional designers, and others with related responsibilities or interests together to explore the boundless opportunities of open education. It consists of three half-day, virtual events with drop-in sessions for extended conversation on key topics.

Hosted by the Division of Digital Learning and UCF Libraries of the University of Central Florida, along with members of the UCF Bookstore, Office of the Provost of Academic Affairs, and teaching faculty.

Speakers representing all levels of colleges and universities will present informational sessions, participate in panel discussions, and lead interactive workshops for attendees.

You’ll receive actionable advice on how to best incorporate open educational resources and practices into courses.

This second annual event acts as a prelude to Open Education Week which takes place March 3-7, 2025. Open Education Week is an annual, global celebration where educators can actively share and learn about the latest achievements in open education.

Open Ed Live is almost here!

Mark your calendars! This online event will be held February 25-27, 2025.

dynamic and stylized classroom filled with open books and laptops on desks, overlaid by a bustling cloud of educational and technological symbols that represent the fusion of traditional learning with digital innovation

What is Open Education?

Open education encompasses resources, tools, and practices that are free of legal, financial, and technical barriers. Open educational resources (OER) are defined by UNESCO as “learning, teaching and research materials in any format and medium that reside in the public domain or are under copyright that have been released under an open license, that permit no-cost access, re-use, re-purpose, adaptation and redistribution by others“.

“Open” permissions are typically defined in terms of the 5Rs: users are free to Retain, Reuse, Revise, Remix, and Redistribute these educational materials. Generally, the permissions from the 5Rs are granted by the use of open licenses, such as Creative Commons licenses.

By integrating open educational resources and designing assignments around them, open pedagogy creates a learning environment where students actively contribute to their education. This approach emphasizes collaboration, creativity, and the co-creation of knowledge. It adds value to the educational process, making learning more inclusive, dynamic, and relevant to real-world situations.

Who should attend Open Ed Live?

All faculty, librarians, instructional designers, and others with related responsibilities in higher education institutions across the country are welcome to attend this free event. OER advocates are encouraged to attend.

This event seeks to educate all attendees on emerging trends and issues within open education. It will also highlight the University of Central Florida’s efforts in this area as we work to remove barriers and improve learning for students everywhere.

Why should I attend Open Ed Live?

At Open Ed Live, you will become prepared for Open Education Week and beyond. You will learn about both basic information and emerging trends of open education surrounding the curriculum of higher education. Whether you are new or well-versed in this subject, there will be something engaging for you.

The first hour will include featured speakers from around the country on timely, exciting topics. The next session opens up to our drop-in sessions on basics to continue the conversations and ask questions. The third session ends each day with practical examples featuring innovation at the University of Central Florida, and encourages continued audience engagement.

Register and Attend Open Ed Live

This event is free and open to attendees in higher education. It will take place via Zoom over three days from February 25-27, 2025.

There will be multiple live sessions. Registered attendees are free to attend some or all presentations.

Once you have registered, you will receive the Zoom link and future communications about the agenda.

Registration will be open throughout the event.

Keynote – David Wiley

In Search of the Perfect Blend(s): Open Ed and Generative AI


tuesday, february 25, 2025

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Thursday, february 27, 2025

Meet the Speakers

Watch Previous Event Sessions

Couldn’t join us last time for our exploration into the transformative world of open education? No worries! You can access the recorded sessions online through the institutional repository. Immerse yourself in the enlightening presentations about the power and potential of open educational resources and practices.

Explore The Repository

Event Committee

  • Kevin Corcoran, Assistant Vice Provost of the Center for Distributed Learning
  • Lily Dubach, Assistant Librarian 
  • Wendy Howard, Director of the Pegasus Innovation Lab
  • Samantha Morgan, UCF Barnes and Noble Campus Store Operations Manager 
  • Amanda Major, Assistant Program Director of the Pegasus Innovation Lab
  • Rocco Fazzalari, Project Coordinator I
  • Rebecca McNulty, Assistant Instructional Designer
  • Nicole Stahl, Project Coordinator II
  • Amber Mullens, Administrative Project Mgr I
  • Missy Murphey, Assistant Librarian
  • Rachel Vacek, Librarian and Associate Dean, Technology and Digital Strategies
  • Frank Tamberelli, Associate Instructor
  • Christian Beck, Associate Lecturer

And a special thanks to the following for preparing and promoting Open Ed Live.

  • Samantha Richardson, Communication Specialist I, iLab at the Center for Distributed Learning
  • Bren Bedford, Web Project Analyst II, iDev at the Center for Distributed Learning
  • Ailin LeBellot, Web Content Specialist I, iDev at the Center for Distributed Learning