Learning Analytics
CDL has begun examining big data collected from Webcourses@UCF, our Learning Management System (LMS). A student facing dashboard is currently piloted in some courses to provide students with real time information on how their activity relates to grades and their relation to overall class performance.
We are developing faculty and advisor facing dashboards that aggregate behavior and academic progress at the student/course level. Custom activity reporting is available for specific college objectives to track student learning behavior and how it relates to student success.
We are exploring methodologies to integrate new LMS information with data from our student information system such as class enrollment patterns, grades, student progression and retention.
Want to learn more about Learning Analytics?
For more information, contact Kerlene King, Lead LMS Administrator at CDL.
Data Reporting
CDL has a long history of working with internal and external stakeholders to track and report on various online teaching and learning metrics. CDL provides assistance for information exploration and discovery in this space. We collect data on the growth and adoption of online learning at UCF by College, discipline, student type and demographics, academic level and other parameters.
We maintain faculty credential records for online teaching, and curricular information to evaluate online delivery of UCF’s academic programs. CDL works closely with Institutional Knowledge Management (IKM) to provide and insure the integrity of external activity reporting at state, regional and national levels.
Want to learn more about data reporting?
If your college or department has interest in learning more, contact Bob Reed, Director UCF Online at CDL.