Due to UCF’s move to remote instruction, the Division of Digital Learning has scheduled several small hands-on workshops through Zoom next week, March 31st-April 3rd, centered around using Webcourses@UCF for assessing your students’ learning. Topics covered will include using Webcourses@UCF for graded discussions, assignments, and quizzes. We will also demo UCF's ProctorHub integration within Webcourses@UCF. Workshops will be facilitated by support staff at the Center for Distributed Learning and Office of Instructional Resources. During the sessions, attendees will be guided through the skills needed to use Webcourses@UCF during remote instruction at UCF. To allow for hands-on experience, each session will be capped at 20 attendees. All UCF Faculty and GTAs are encouraged to attend. Like previous training workshops, moderators will be available to answer questions and provide resource links. Due to the hand-on nature of these workshops, attendees are encouraged to attend using their webcam and mic/headset.
Sessions will be offered during the following dates and times. |